Tag: Chatbot

  • Will Chatbots Be Better With GPT-4?

    Will Chatbots Be Better With GPT-4?

    In an earlier insight, we explored how chatbots can use OpenAI‘s Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) model. ChatGPT is one of many products that use this framework to showcase the technology’s prowess with some interesting results. This new Have Your Say entry lets you share your thoughts about chat agents and whether GPT-4 is perfect for them.

  • 6 Types Of Customer Service For Brands To Master

    6 Types Of Customer Service For Brands To Master

    Technology innovation has created new customer service channels. This insight takes a deeper look at how the customer service experience has evolved from high-touch person-to-person connection to automated solutions. Find out what the six types of customer service brands should learn and master today.
